In an ideal world, every child would be happy at school. At times though, problems come along which hinder children’s learning and enjoying school to the fullest. At Bishop Ellis, we work with Faith in Families to help provide a ‘safe space’ for children to talk through their concerns with someone who understands.
Leroy Aitcheson is our school social worker and has supported children for many years. He is in school every Wednesday. He can see children about various worries and concerns including:
- if someone they care about has died or is ill.
- they are not getting on with their friends.
- if they are having problems with their family at home.
- if they are feeling sad or upset.
- if they are worried about someone or something.
Faith In Families is an independent children’s charity that provides the School Social Work Service. The service is school-based with the objective of strengthening the school/home/community partnership and alleviating barriers to learning by offering counselling and support to students and their families referred by school.
If you feel that your child or family would benefit from talking with Leroy, please contact your class teacher, Sarah Franklin our SENco or Mr Monaghan our headteacher.