Catholic Life

Some of the information you will find in this section of the website may also be found elsewhere and this is intentional because the Catholic life of our school is inherent in all that we do at Bishop Ellis, both in school and in the wider school and parish community.

Our school’s foundations are built on the Catholic faith and beliefs and we believe that we have a shared responsibility to share our faith with the children in our care. Our Mission Statement and values are at the heart of all we do, placing the children firmly at the centre and providing opportunities for every child to encounter Christ and deepen their relationship with Him. Our Mission statement is explicit in the values that we undertake in order to ‘live life in all its fullness’. These values are woven into all areas of school life and form the basis of our behaviour expectations.

We always encourage the children at Bishop Ellis to try to think of others and especially those who are less fortunate in their life situations than we are. We use the principles of Catholic Social Teaching to educate the children in trying to understand more about the importance of caring for our brothers and sisters around the world. The children take part in a charity events throughout the year. We donate food to the local food bank at Harvest and Christmas, we undertake fundraising for CAFOD, the Church and other local charities in our community.