Introduced in 2011, the pupil premium is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of children from families who are eligible for free school meals. Your child will qualify for the pupil premium fund if they have received free school meals at some point over the last 6 years.
This gives us a great opportunity to support your child in many different ways.
If your child qualifies for the Pupil premium fund, you will have received a letter asking for suggestions for how you think the fund could support your child. A copy of this letter can be found below. Please consider your child’s strengths and the things they find difficult when considering support. They may have a sporting talent that we can help promote, a musical talent that you wish they could follow or it may be that you need help with trips and uniform.
In addition to this, we are also offering parents support with school uniform, trips, clubs etc.
If you have any suggestions or ideas of how we can support your child, please contact Mrs Shaw who is the Pupil premium co-ordinator via the school office or complete the slip on the letter below.