OFSTED Inspection February 2017
Dear Parents/Carers,
The school was inspected on Tuesday 31st January. This was a one-day inspection to check if the school was still good. Governors and staff are really pleased with the outcome which agrees that the school continues to be good and praises our year 6 outcomes. Following inspection, a letter is written to the head teacher (see below). There is not a full report for one-day inspections. Here are some of the highlights:
‘You and your leadership team have worked successfully to improve the quality of teaching’…
‘The success of your actions was evident in the outcomes for Year 6 pupils in 2016. These pupils reached standards which were above those seen nationally and they made rapid progress from their starting points.’
* see link below
‘Staff all say that they are proud to be a member of staff at the school.’
‘…you have made sure that the strong ethos of the school – honesty, forgiveness and care – is at the heart of its work’
‘Pupils know what constitutes bullying and say that, although this does not happen often at school, they are confident that all staff, including lunchtime supervisors, will help them sort it out quickly when it does.’
‘Pupils enjoy their lessons. They listen well to their teacher and to each other and are then able to discuss their ideas sensibly and confidently.’
‘Pupils love to read and do so with fluency and expression. This reflects the school’s effective teaching of the skills of reading and the promotion of its importance.’
Link to performance tables where you can compare with other schools:
Thank you for all the support you have given to our school over the years. It is really appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Monaghan